714 4

Ulf Stormwall

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Grundsund

Am I blind?

Dogshow Lilleström, Norway 25 november 2012

Kommentare 4

  • Ulf Stormwall 28. November 2012, 19:05

    This is not the only dog with hair covered eyes. I dont know how much the dog suffer from the hair. But I certanly want a dog with "free" eyes.
  • Nadine Oberwörder 28. November 2012, 14:56

    I have never seen such a dog before. Is it normal that his eyes are covered by parts of his coat or was he kinda made up to look like that?
    If so, I feel sorry for him.
  • Ulf Stormwall 26. November 2012, 15:28

    Yes - very beautiful. I understand that you have one your self?
    Thanks Chriatian for your comment.

  • Chriatian 26. November 2012, 15:01

    a beautiful dog
    a portugues waterdog =)


Views 714


Kamera NIKON D4
Objektiv AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II
Blende 4.5
Belichtungszeit 1/200
Brennweite 200.0 mm
ISO 12800