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Altar inside the Po Nagar tower

Altar inside the Po Nagar tower

9.117 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Altar inside the Po Nagar tower

Local worshippers praying in front of Yan Po Nagar, the goddess of the country, who in Vietnamese is called Thien Y Thanh Mau.

In the 28m-high pyramidal main chamber, there is a black stone statue of the goddess Uma (in the shape of Bhagavati) with 10 arms, two of which are hidden under her vest; she is seated and leaning back against some sort of monstrous animal.

Kommentare 1

  • Herbert Rulf 16. November 2021, 23:41

    Jetzt gibt es wenigstens Licht da drinnen. Ich habe den Innenraum nur stockdunkel erlebt und sehe jetzt erst in deinem Foto was da an "Einrichtung" da ist. Ich bin allerdings sicher dass das damals alles sehr heruntergekommen war. 
    LG, Herbert


Ordner Vietnam 18 years ago
Views 9.117


Kamera E5000
Objektiv ---
Blende 2.8
Belichtungszeit 1/60
Brennweite 7.1 mm
ISO 200

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