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kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Cape Town


Ok, I'm cheating a little bit here. This is one of my old pictures that I uploaded to fc.de about a year ago.
But since I still have to wait a little while for my camera and I am eager to set up my profile and start my gallery, here it is.
It fits in nicely with what interests me - childhood with its magic and challenges.

That day Erik had a wonderful time when we visited our former landlords on their farm in Izerfontain on the West Coast, about an hour and a half from Cape Town.
Being outside with a variety of animals - what could be better when you're two? (and also when you're older and like-minded)
Our daughter Lillian was still tiny then and mostly interested in eating and sleeping.

I suppose one could crop the picture to remove the basked in the background. Personally I like the depth that it creates. In this case I don't think one has to feel "closer". What do you think?

Kommentare 1

  • Anna Kowalski 26. März 2012, 3:47

    Stretching himself to the limits! :)
    Very nice family keepsake photo of those toddler years...
    I haven't noticed the basket until I read your note.
    Human perception can be very selective :)



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