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2164a    ___ABANDONED___

2164a ___ABANDONED___

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2164a ___ABANDONED___

I am a dog.
I feel joy, fear , love, and pleasure.
I am not a thing.
I want nothing more than to be by your side and to walk where you walk.
When you leave, I want to go with you. If I stay behind, I will eagerly await your return.
I am a dog.
I am not able to care for myself without your help.
If you abandon me I will experience pain and loneliness.
I am a dog.
I only need to give you my love.


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Ordner MOOD
Views 495


Kamera Canon PowerShot G12
Objektiv 6.1 - 30.5 mm
Blende 4.5
Belichtungszeit 1/400
Brennweite 9.8 mm
ISO 800