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The Milky Way over a small cottage. Taken on a mountain pasture in the village where I live. The foreground was lit with a relatively weak flash light.

Kommentare 4

Bei diesem Foto wünscht altae ausdrücklich konstruktives Feedback. Bitte hilf, indem Du Tipps zu Bildaufbau, Technik, Bildsprache etc. gibst. (Feedbackregeln siehe hier)
  • Ruud van der Lubben 15. September 2018, 19:00

    Very nice nightand starsky shot. Maybe you should make the grass in the foreground a little darker, so the starry sky will come out even better. Should be quite easy to do in postprocess.
    • altae 15. September 2018, 22:30

      Thanks for you feed back. I had two flash lights with me. One was too strong and the other (the one I used) does spread the light over a wide area. The forground has already been darkened in post processing but maybe you're right and I should have darkened it a bit more. But overall I'm quite happy with the result.
  • J Oscar Sierra Echo 12. September 2018, 17:33

    Like it, great nocturnal shot!
    • altae 12. September 2018, 18:54

      Thanks. It turned out ok but what I could have done better is the quality of the foreground. At ISO 3200 there is quite some noise with my camera. Next time I'll do a second exposure at a lower ISO level for the foreground.