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191107 Cyprus jn n 35

191107 Cyprus jn n 35

2.312 5

Jens Neef

Premium (World), Wolfach

191107 Cyprus jn n 35

Vretsia is an abandoned Turkish Cypriot village. After the 1974 war, the Turkish-Cypriot natives of the village were forced to abandon the village and immigrate to the north of Cyprus.
Nikon D750 / Tamron SP 24-70mm / 1:2,8
F8 1/8s ISO125

Kommentare 5

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Ordner abandoned
Views 2.312


Kamera NIKON D750
Objektiv TAMRON SP 24-70mm F2.8 Di VC USD A007N
Blende 8
Belichtungszeit 1/8
Brennweite 38.0 mm
ISO 125

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