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Birds of a feather

Birds of a feather

3.027 3

Andrew J.W.

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Kommentare 3

  • Andreas Beier Fotografie 5. April 2011, 14:10

    ja so mag ich ein foto
  • s. sabine krause 21. März 2011, 10:10

    "all for one and one (leg!) for all" ; )) – where's the third slumbering musketeer?! love how the reed/woods are framing this beautiful "tone-on-tone" shot: creates the impression of catching a precious, dreamy and secret glimpse of "the private life of geese"! greeting, sabine. p.s.: great reflections, too!
  • Adele D. Oliver 21. März 2011, 2:26

    Walking on water - or so it seems, yes - well seen with this reflection, well done!!!
    greetings, Adele


Ordner Landscapes/Nature
Views 3.027


Kamera NIKON D50
Objektiv 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-6.3
Blende 11
Belichtungszeit 1/125
Brennweite 200.0 mm
ISO 200