
kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Gent

Über mich

I'm only beginning to take pictures. So i don't have a professional camera yet. For my first shoot this week i'll lend one from a friend. I also lack a bit of technical expertise. But what i do have is tons of fantasy and according to my personal taste a shitload of ideas. I studied filmdirector for two years and had photography lessons then. When i think about photographs, It is from a filmdirecting viewpoint. "i don't work with models, I work with actors & actresses". I don't want to take picturs merely because of the beauty of the model. That will not give me enough satisfaction. I think in terms of scenario, playing with expectantcy, suggestive stuff, a photograph in it's best form for me is more than an image, there's a story behind it. A plot. It is up to the viewer to find out what the photograph is trying to say. Perhaps the viewer is being mislead? What does the photograph want the viewer to think? He must make an effort to "get/understand" the photgraph as a whole. Actually, ideally what i want to do is making movies with photographs. "Twisted genius" is my holy goal that i try to achieve, whether i'll succeed in my objectives???? I don't know !!! But i know what i want.

IMPORTANT: the pictures that are already online is just a litlle bit of playing. The first real shoot still has to come, but to give you an idea of the style i'm trying to achieve... I like purely original work, insanity, madness, weirdness, twisted reality, sick fucko shit, the more extreme the better, no limits, you know ... In other words: i just wanna amuse myself while shooting ;-)

But you know, i'll prolly also make "beautiful" non-sicko pictures:p hehe variety is the spice of life !
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