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Rebirth of paradise after the Tsunami

Rebirth of paradise after the Tsunami

3.915 3

Peter Mietlewski

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Erlangen

Rebirth of paradise after the Tsunami

On a beautiful day just like any other, divers in the water were enjoying the underwater scenery and rich marine life around Pulau Weh in Aceh, Indonesia. All of a sudden, they heard a loud and painful noise forcing all of them to cover their ears. Many thought it was a tanker passing overhead, but the sight of all the moray eels swimming out of their holes must have been something totally unimaginable and bewildering.
The divers then surfaced and headed back to the dive shop, not knowing what to make of the strange phenomenon until they started seeing brand new bungalows floating on the sea.
(Zitat aus X-Ray Issue: 25 - Sep 2008)

Kommentare 3

  • Marion Wolf 18. Juli 2009, 12:28

    Ich bin immer wieder beeindruckt von den Farben, die die Natur so bereithält. Einfach faszinierend dieses türkis.
    LG Marion
  • SchwedenSabine 15. Juli 2009, 7:18

    Until this day the happenings of that day are so unbelievable. I was pinned to the tv, couldn't believe this was not Hollywood but reality.
    It is nice to see that the area is regaining its beautiful sight. Thank you for showing us this beautiful picture, it is very tranquil.

    LG Sabine
  • stephan-pa 15. Juli 2009, 7:16

    ++++++++ perfekt!