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The Wall and it's Archs

The Wall and it's Archs

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João M. C. Januário

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Belas

The Wall and it's Archs

«The wall enclosed us
for a long time until the man behind it, feeling a new freedom, want to look out. He hammered
away to make an opening. The wall cried, “What are you doing to me? I have protected you. I
made you feel secure – and now you put a hole through me!” and the man said, “But I see
wonderful things, and I want to look out. I appreciated your faithfulness but I feel time has
brought change.”
The wall was sad; the man realized something good. He visualized the opening as gracefully
arched, glorifying the wall. The wall was pleased with its arch and the man carefully made a
jamb and a sill trimmed with fine stone. The opening became part of the order of the wall.»

Louis Kahn

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