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Shards Silhouette /\

Shards Silhouette /\

6.922 0

Marc Graf

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Shards Silhouette /\

As seen from 30 St Mary Axe aka "The Gherkin".
I was standing in line for 4-5hours in the pouring rain on the 23 Sept. just to enter this building on this years London Open House.

On top we were grouped and had just 10min time. There were people everywhere. I took my energy to capture this view. And I needed energy to drape the chairs 'cause there were people trying to sit down all the time :D

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Ordner Architektur
Views 6.922


Kamera Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Objektiv Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II
Blende 8
Belichtungszeit 1/30
Brennweite 16.0 mm
ISO 2000