be von Conny Seidel



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4.07.2003 um 7:10 Uhr
, Lizenz: Alle Bilder unterliegen dem Urheberrecht der jeweiligen Sender. All pictures © by the senders.
(by Conny, 19.11.2ooo)
Lately I’ve been thinking about who’s in charge
About who they are
About where they are
And if we are doing what they want or if we are
Just a good laugh
And are they aliens or robots or humanoids or gods

Lately I’ve been thinking about my choices
About the big ones
And the small ones
And if it’d have made a big difference if I had made
A small one different
And if the big ones are the right ones for me

Thinking a lot, thinking at last
You’ll get no answers
That’s how it’s meant to be?
Fuck it – enjoy life
Life is too fuckin’ short

Lately I’ve been thinking about freedom
And peace
And care
And how we can be free when we are not alone
In this world
And why everyone wants pure freedom when it means loneliness

Lately I’ve been thinking about what is „good“
And „right“
And „wrong“
And is what we think is right wrong in
Another culture
And how we can be sure about that we are right

Thinking a lot...

Lately I’ve been thinking about who is crazy
Is it me
Or all of you
When I don’t do what society expects me to do
You tell me I’m insane
But I’m so fuckin’ happy I could cry...


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bild17, 4.07.2003 um 8:53 Uhr

auch eine art von diskussionsrunde... :-)
gruß Martin

Christian Lehner, 13.07.2003 um 18:37 Uhr


lg chriS

Helmut Schadt, 28.07.2003 um 21:03 Uhr

Hallo Conny,
starkes Bild und dazu passendes Gedicht. Wenn Du auch das Gedicht selbst gemacht hast muss ich Dich um Deine Kreativität bewundern.
Liebe Grüße Helmut

Conny Seidel, 29.07.2003 um 0:57 Uhr

ja, der text ist auch von mir ... danke :)

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