Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Snow Geese over the Fraser River

Up to 40 000 Snow Geese arrive each October and November from Alaska, the Arctic and Russia to overwinter in the marshes of the Fraser River. We experienced part of this very noisy spectacle on Sunday on our bike ride on the dyke ... this group had just rested, we saw many small groups in the typical V formation .... in the background on the river a tugboat and two barges.

He's Laughing Now
He's Laughing Now
Adele D. Oliver

in the voting centre and proposed by Vitoria Castelo Santos. Again, many thanks, Vitoria!!!

Kommentare 41


Ordner Nature
Views 1.710


Kamera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objektiv Unknown 6-72mm
Blende 7.1
Belichtungszeit 1/1600
Brennweite 60.5 mm
ISO 200