Jesus, bleibet meine Freude .. / Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring .. von Stevanus Rio Tedjakumala

Jesus, bleibet meine Freude .. / Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring ..


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28.09.2005 um 8:22 Uhr
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Cantata # 147. JS Bach (1685-1750)

Jesu, joy of man’s desiring,
Holy wisdom, love most bright;
Drawn by Thee, our souls aspiring
Soar to uncreated light.
Word of God, our flesh that fashioned,
With the fire of life impassioned,
Striving still to truth unknown,
Soaring, dying round Thy throne.

Through the way where hope is guiding,
Hark, what peaceful music rings;
Where the flock, in Thee confiding,
Drink of joy from deathless springs.
Theirs is beauty’s fairest pleasure;
Theirs is wisdom’s holiest treasure.
Thou dost ever lead Thine own
In the love of joys unknown.


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Gert van der Flier, 29.10.2007 um 11:12 Uhr

A beautiful Cantata and a beautiful picture, Stevanus. Very special!
I like it.
Best regards, Gert

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