- Jules -

kostenloses Benutzerkonto

Über mich

Hallo fc,

schön das Ihr mal reinschaut.

Ich bin Besitzerin einer Sony Alpha 100 und einigem Zubehör (Sony Kit Objektiv 18-70mm, Sigma 28-300mm Macro, Sigma 105mm DG Macro, Photoshop CS3, Manfrotto Stativ...).

Ich mag die Natur, mit allem was sie hergibt unheimlich gern und so entstehen auch die meisten meiner Bilder, die ich hier zeige.
Neugier, Interesse und der Wille ständig neues zu entdecken und zu lernen, spornen meine Fantasie immer wieder an.

Über konstruktive u ehrliche Kritik, Anregungen, Tipps und alles weitere hoffe ich sehr!
Danke euch dafür!!

Viele Grüße


Kommentare 28

  • Fons van Swaal 22. Januar 2008, 16:22

    Thank you very much Julia for all the support and comments , it's much appreciated....;-))
    Best regards............Fons
  • Fons van Swaal 5. Januar 2008, 23:42

    Thanks a lot my friend .....;-))
    Missing your photo's ...
    Best regards.........Fons
  • Fons van Swaal 23. Dezember 2007, 13:04

    Thanks a lot Julia for the comment....
    Wishing you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with lots of Luck and Health in 2008...
    Best regards..............Fons
  • Fons van Swaal 16. Dezember 2007, 21:09

    Thanks for the comment Julia ...it's much appreciated..;-))
    Best regards ........Fons

    Best wishes ..........
  • Fons van Swaal 9. Dezember 2007, 12:58

    Thanks a lot Julia .......;-)))
    Best regards................Fons
  • Gert van der Flier 8. Dezember 2007, 20:07

  • Gert van der Flier 25. November 2007, 16:18

    Hi J,
    Thanks for your comment on
    Regards, Gert
  • aw masry 21. November 2007, 19:41

    Hi Friend
    Thanks for your visit and kind comment on this image. I was really appreciated.
    Best regards – aw masry
  • Keyla Juliana 14. November 2007, 18:44

    Hi Julia, thanks for the comment! I also have very beautiful pictures, I loved the flowers!
    Greetings, Keyla
    Keyla Juliana
  • Ewald L. 11. November 2007, 2:00

    Hi Julia, thank you very much for your
    vote and support, which helped to make
    this little star possible:-)))
    best wishes Ewald
  • Fons van Swaal 8. November 2007, 19:55

    Thanks Julia , as always much appreciated...;-))
  • Fons van Swaal 8. November 2007, 11:14

    Thanks Julia for the comment it's much appreciated...;-))
    Best regards..................Fons
  • Fons van Swaal 2. November 2007, 20:57

    Thanks Julia ...;-)0
    Best regards...........Fons
  • Fons van Swaal 1. November 2007, 14:28

    Thanks a lot Julia for the comment again, they are much appreciated...;-)
  • Fons van Swaal 21. Oktober 2007, 12:57

    Thank you very much Julia for these comments....;-))
    Best regards..............Fons
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