Carmen Y Frank

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Sheffield

Kommentare 28

  • Robert L. Roux 1. Oktober 2006, 6:47

    hi camen
    i'm a little slow, but ... ;-)
    autumn greetz from canada's nort - robert
  • Patrick B. Parenteau 9. August 2006, 23:58

    Hey Carmen,
    Thanks for your kind words. I chose this angle because as an elder tribesman he deserves to be looked up to and not looked down upon as so many Canadians do to with their aboriginal peoples. His head dress was mostly black and white which I think looks better this way than with a bright blue sky.
    Cheers from Canada. Patrick
  • Johanna Bjurdell 9. Juli 2006, 11:52

    Thanks for taking time to comment! I really appreciate it. Best wishes
  • Theo Weijmer 23. Juni 2006, 9:08

    Thanks for youre comment, I watched your photo's and they are very good, I liked to watch them.
    Greetings Theo
    (Jodie must be a great dog!!!)
  • Rarindra Prakarsa 28. März 2006, 11:15

    Tank you for comments and vote...

    salam dari jakarta
  • When 28. März 2006, 10:00

    Ah ha. Now I can comment again!! : )
  • Sean Robertson 27. März 2006, 22:07

    Cheers for appreciating my pictures. Time off this week, so going to try get out with the camera. Keep on shooting.
  • Sean Robertson 23. März 2006, 1:59

    Tai Chi was a little slow for me!! I struggle to give titles to images. Anyhow, you have some great pictures and the most natural of eyes for composition. You even got great praise from one of my favourites on this site, good stuff. I also liked "Man With Machinegun". His pictures are awesome. Keep up the fantastic work.
  • Stephanie Wallace 17. März 2006, 20:20

    Very nice landscape photos of the english countryside (I assume), and the dogs are all great!
  • Luc Grollie 15. März 2006, 21:23

    thanx for your comment Carmen,
    think it was rather annoyed by the man with the !!!
  • Hasan Önal 6. März 2006, 21:38

    Hi Carmen!
    Thanks for your nice comment on my photo "My Sweety Doughter Idil and Tanya".

    Best Regards, Hasan
  • Hasan Önal 6. März 2006, 21:24

    Hi Carmen,
    Thanks for your nice comment on my photo ''Blue Sky and Uludag'.It's in Bursa in Türkiye.
    Best Regards.

  • Matth. Haupt 9. Februar 2006, 22:45

    Hello Carmen!
    Thank you very much for your nice comment about my Photo
    ...he Knipser, wo liegt das Glück dieser Erde ?...
    ...he Knipser, wo liegt das Glück dieser Erde ?...
    Matth. Haupt

    Greetings, Matthias
  • Dean Linder 9. Februar 2006, 21:39

    Thank you cArmen for your warm comments on my photos I appreciate it much. I like your dog he funny!

  • Sergio Pessolano 4. Februar 2006, 18:17

    Hi Carmen,
    Thank you very much for your appreciation about my work. I am very honoured.
    Have a great weekend.
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