Anca Alecu

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Kristianstad

Über mich

I don't have a professional equipment, but i love make pictures. A begeiner also in digiart, but with many ideeas. This site is an oportunity for me to find what is your oppinion on my "art".
Hope to get better and better as time goes by..
Thank you fotocommunity.

After many years, I return, as a student of Digital Design in Sweden, more art for you to criticise !

Kommentare 11

  • Ionut D 23. Dezember 2007, 13:06

    Ionut D

    mulzumesc mult pentru comentarii.
    (thanks a lot for your comments.)

    p.s. daca vrei sa prinzi fulgere, sprijina aparatu de ceva (dak n-ai trepied), si fa expuneri lungi , de 10-15 secunde.Experimenteaza. (eu abia astept luna mai ;))
  • Maria Kyselicova 26. Dezember 2006, 19:31

    merry christmas and a good start in the year

  • Stiff (Stifferu) Rider 10. Dezember 2006, 21:47

    merci de raspuns, ma bucur sa vorbesc cu tine, lukas, anca, eu sunt dragos, dragos, ma poti gasi si sub pseudo de "stifferu" sau "stifferu1" pe "" sau "", merci de coment!
    spor si lumina buna!
  • Stiff (Stifferu) Rider 8. Dezember 2006, 20:42

    salut! sunt putin confuz, dupa nume esti un gen dupa poza alt gen, mi-ar fi util, ca sa pot interpreta comentariile tale, sa stiu ce gen esti (masculin sau feminin)
  • Pascal Viyer 9. November 2006, 19:16

    Like your humoristic profil portrait, Lukas.
    Thanks much !
  • Sachin Pangaonkar 31. Oktober 2006, 15:14

    Hey Thanx again .. on my pic
    Red amoeba
    Red amoeba
    Sachin Pangaonkar
    . I guess i now look at it more like a alien dream land...Cheers Sachin
  • Arnold Vancea 27. Oktober 2006, 12:04

    Multam pentru comentariu.
    Blurul e direct din aparat. Cred ca am folosit 50/1.8 la 2.2 sau ceva in genul.
  • Sachin Pangaonkar 26. Oktober 2006, 15:32

    I dont know why .. i seem to associate your name with something celestial .. first Lukas .. for me is the creator of Star wars .. and Stern is a star in German !
    Nic pics thou' Have fun in FC . Thank you for your comment on my pic
    Greetings and would be waiting to see more of your work.
  • Dirk Hofmann 19. Oktober 2006, 13:47

    Welcome to!

    Good to see you found this place, where professionals, amateurs and rookies meet to share their views of photography, show and discuss each others work.
    I hope you'll find the things you were looking for when you joined and have the same fun I have since I became a member.
    Don't hesitate to ask me or any other member of the team if you have any questions!

    When I thought about making it easier for new members to join our community, I had the idea to write a short tutorial which might help. You can find it here:

    You might also want to gather some information in our online-help. There you can learn about the different features of fotocommunity.
    To get there click here:

    fotocommunity - share your passion!

    Best regards
  • Ildikó ZókaDani 17. Oktober 2006, 18:58

    thanks for your comment!
    Best wishes,
  • Lovisa Lagerquist 25. September 2006, 16:12

    Thanks for you kind words on my pic :)
    Strong Love
    Strong Love
    Lovisa Lagerquist

    Regards Lovisa
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Canon Eos 1100D