Álvaro González

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Montevideo

Über mich

Graphic Designer since 2006.

Worked in various places like Discount Bank L.A. (www.discbank.com.uy), Syscom Systems (Logo Creation), Universidad de Montevideo (Logo Creation).

Actual work: CEPA International (www.cepasafedrive.com) as a graphic designer developing several interactive products and advertisemnet stuff.

Other: One appearance in COREL Photo Painter Magazine (In the interactive stuff) with over 30 photographs as a depository material.

Interests: Photography, Cars, Food, Fun, etc.

Kommentare 2

  • Sergio Orellana 15. März 2009, 16:56

    Hola Alvaro,
    Me parece interesante tu trabajo de búsqueda y experimentación de ángulos y tomas.
    sigue adelante !!
    Saludos, sergio
  • Álvaro González 20. Februar 2009, 17:28

    I love taking usefull and creative images without losing the idea of what can or can't be done with them.
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