Thomas Kalscheid

Premium (Pro), Hamburg

People of Germany - Indian man in Hamburg

Chance encounter of an indian man, who is living in Hamburg, on a sunday morning. I meet him close to a holy shrine of god Ganesh on a place in Schinkelstrasse (Hamburg / Winterhude). It was full moon and the Hindu were praying to Ganesh.

Zufällige Begegnungmit einem Inder in Hamburg am Schrein des Gottes Ganesh, Winterhude Schinkelstrasse. Es war vollmond und die Hindu beteten Gott Ganesh an.

Street Hamburg Juli 2015

CocoRosie Montreux Jazz Festival 2010

People of USA - Keeneland - Lady
People of USA - Keeneland - Lady
Thomas Kalscheid

People of USA - Dennis
People of USA - Dennis
Thomas Kalscheid

People of USA - The Winner of The Race
People of USA - The Winner of The Race
Thomas Kalscheid

People of USA - Police Officer
People of USA - Police Officer
Thomas Kalscheid

Kommentare 1


Ordner Hamburg
Views 1.002


Kamera NIKON D610
Objektiv AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
Blende 2.8
Belichtungszeit 1/500
Brennweite 55.0 mm
ISO 200