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Landlady and host in Red House Kagbeni

Landlady and host in Red House Kagbeni

5.758 3


Premium (World), Bangkok

Landlady and host in Red House Kagbeni

The owner of the Red House in Kagbeni is a princess of the kingdom Lo Mantang and preparing us a cup of butter tea.
Drinking butter tea is a regular part and it is always served to guests. Sometimes we drunk up to 40 cups of it a day. Since butter is the main ingredient, butter tea is a very warming drink, providing lots of caloric energy and is particularly suited to high altitudes. The butter also helps prevent chapped lips. Some people avoid of drinking this cocktail made with with fresh yak butter and salt, but I got used it very soon.

The slide photo is scanned by a Nikon CoolScan 5000 ED from Kodachrome 50.

Kommentare 3

  • Sigrun v.K. 11. Dezember 2012, 8:40

    Once again a great picture!!!
    But I'm afraid butter tea isn't very tasty - I never have heard of it before. But if you may have nothing it will be delicious! ...
  • Pfriemer 29. November 2012, 9:49

    danke Dir, liebe Eva-Maria, mit dieser netten Lady stehe ich heute noch im Kontakt, Gruß Wolfgang
  • Eva-Maria Nehring 28. November 2012, 22:34

    Ein schöner Einblick ins tägliche Küchenleben.
    LG Eva


Ordner Kingdom Mustang
Views 5.758


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