Gregory Carpenter

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Helotes,TX.

Über mich

My name is Greg Carpenter and I was born on August 11th 1962 and raised in San Antonio, Texas. I've always been very artistic since I was a young boy. Always wanting to be creative I turned to the computer in 1990. I would pick up books about different computer programs as well as taking some classes in Excel and Access. As you know these programs are not the best for any drawing applications. As I picked up different computer programs over the years I also started getting into Digital Photography. When I purchased my first SLR camera all the things that I had studied really started to come together for me and I actually started to look at the world in a completely different way. Photography is now my passion and driving force to be the best I can be. Now, I am offering my services and talents on a professional level. With this I started GFX Photography in 2008. I have a keen eye for detail and have always been a perfectionist on every creative aspect in my life. Give me a call to set up a consultation to show you just what I will be able to do for you.
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