An OES20D thats 8.2 million pixels is'nt it? I'm hoping that Nikon will come with something simular soon at about the same price range, as I can not afford their top of the range model not that I would want to anyway.
I have had a look at your pictures Chip and I love the variety of shots you have here.Will keep an eye on them.
glad you found this place. you'll find a bunch of nice people around here and by looking at your first photos here i'm quite sure that you'll have a crew of buddys and fans soon.
will have a close look at your photos in the future ... ;-)
John Bennett 22. Juli 2005, 22:43
An OES20D thats 8.2 million pixels is'nt it? I'm hoping that Nikon will come with something simular soon at about the same price range, as I can not afford their top of the range model not that I would want to anyway.I have had a look at your pictures Chip and I love the variety of shots you have here.Will keep an eye on them.
Wilhelm Harlander 16. Juli 2005, 20:34
..............for your sleepless nights..........*gg*
willi - Germany
Wilhelm Harlander 7. Juli 2005, 16:02
Servus Chip,
viele Grüße aus Old Germany - Munich City.
Anke Hartmann 2. Mai 2005, 20:52
Hello Cip,thank you for your nice annotation to
Had just a look at your fotos and I think they are really great.
Best regards
Karl Makkina 20. April 2005, 13:54
Hi Chip !Thank you for your selfportrait, in france we say "les grands esprits se rencontrent". Great minds meet.
Thx again Chip
Christopher Trauco 11. März 2005, 20:12
I do believe its a cotten mouth, thats what it looks like to me. Also I love your work keep it up.~Chris
Joy B. 1. März 2005, 16:21
thank you for your welcome note.Dirk Hofmann 27. Februar 2005, 17:55
hi chip!welcome to!
glad you found this place. you'll find a bunch of nice people around here and by looking at your first photos here i'm quite sure that you'll have a crew of buddys and fans soon.
will have a close look at your photos in the future ... ;-)
Aiden Mahoney 7. Februar 2005, 12:43
Thank you for your comment on my submitted picture,Solitude.T Kah 2. Februar 2005, 2:33
oh, ein amerikaner mit deutsch-kenntnissen.das sieht man nicht alle tage.
nice 2 meet u.
Lukas Hahn 24. November 2004, 19:52
Hi...I'm also from atlanta...actually from Roswell.
Great pics!