Thankyou for your kind comment. Not really overwhelming. The ones that i "appreciated were the ones that i particularly liked. Note - I'll be away from home for a few weeks (for pleasure) - so my comments will dry up for a time - mark uncommented, or unappreciated
thankyou for appreciating my picture of light in a conifer plantation in winter. It was a cold day. There was snow around. Low sunlight picked up clumps of grass within the woods. I wish I had managed to make the grass sharper, though. mark
SINA 31. Mai 2017, 9:55
fündig geworden.....
SINADanke Janos ja er sorgt für die Kinder...
liebe grüße von Kristine
rocco di ciommo 30. Mai 2017, 22:30
ciao Janos, grazie !relax
rocco di ciommorocco di ciommo 22. Mai 2017, 21:43
grazie mille Janos, ciaoWolfgang Blücher 15. Mai 2017, 9:59
Thank You again! Next summer I'll be in Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico again.Best Regards
on Nevada State Route 447 - II
Wolfgang Blücherrocco di ciommo 14. Mai 2017, 21:55
grazie Janos, ciaoarco della pace
rocco di ciommochristianeannalucia 8. Mai 2017, 14:23
Thank you very much for your comments,I am really pleased:-))greetings to Toronto christianeSINA 26. April 2017, 14:01
Frühlings Impressionen
SINAzarte Blüten auf alten Zweigen
SINAfor you my dear
best wishes for you and you family
von Herzen Sina
Fellbach Ansichten
SINAstill und leise
SINAWolfgang Blücher 26. April 2017, 8:34
~T~H~A~N~K~ ~Y~O~U ~ ~ A~N~D ~ ~ B~E~S~T~ ~ R~E~G~A~R~D~S ~ !Wolfgang
Laras blue dress
Wolfgang BlücherTiga
Wolfgang BlücherCarmenV 7. April 2017, 22:02
Dear Janos, thank you so much for your comments on my photos, wish you a great weekend :), best regardsSINA 19. März 2017, 11:37
Merci auch hierfarbiges Leichtes ausgelüftet in der Frühlingsluft.....
SINAImpressionen rund um den Max Eyth see
SINADanke lieber Janos
Feine Getränke
SINAlass Dir etwas munden davon
viele liebe grüße von Sina
markkeville 6. März 2017, 22:00
Thankyou for your kind comment. Not really overwhelming. The ones that i "appreciated were the ones that i particularly liked. Note - I'll be away from home for a few weeks (for pleasure) - so my comments will dry up for a time - mark uncommented, or unappreciatedmarkkeville 6. März 2017, 17:28
thankyou for appreciating my picture of light in a conifer plantation in winter. It was a cold day. There was snow around. Low sunlight picked up clumps of grass within the woods. I wish I had managed to make the grass sharper, though. markrocco di ciommo 9. Februar 2017, 22:35
ciao Janos, grazie mille !SINA 8. Februar 2017, 11:34
Stuttgart Ansichten
SINAein Panorama zur blauen Stunde
SINATHANK You so much MY DEAR Janos i am happy that you COME TO My pictures und you LIKE this
MUCH LOVE for you and your Family Kristine
silvermist 5. Februar 2017, 2:05
Thank you for your comment !