Über mich

"Es tut mir Leid, dass ich kein Wort Deutsch spreche, obwohl meine Mutter in Berlin groß geworden ist... ;-)
Ich benutze die Übersetzung von Google, also bitte schreibt mir eure Meinungen und Hinweise ruhig auch in Deutscher Sprache... Ich werde die Google-Übersetzung benutzen, um es zu verstehen.
Aber natürlich könnt ihr auch auf Englisch schreiben, wenn ihr mögt."
- translation by my buddy Lutz Breden!

I had my first camera (I trade it by a stamp collection) with the age of 10... after I changed University (Architecture) by the Light, becoming a free lance professional photographer working mainly with Advertising, Fashion, Industrial and Editorial with Nikon, Hasselblad and Sinar cameras; and also with new technics, such as Photoshop and Corel.
I love cats and dogs, sailing, classic and jazz music... and of course my profession!
Based in Lisboa, Portugal, but available to travel, where my clients want me! :-)

"The photographer must transform into a vision the day-by-day reality!" this is what I say to my pupils.

> Email: diazberrio@gmail.com

Many thanks to my friend for showing me FC.

My .DE photos:

My .COM photos:

All images are copyright © by Octavio Diaz-Berrio
All rights reserved! / Alle Rechte vorbehalten!


»» My Gallery Pictures / Meine Galeriebilder :

»» Selected photo for " FC GALLERY ", July, 15th, 2004
Thanks to André HB Richter
178 pro + 83 contra
100 per cent!!!
100 per cent!!!
Octávio Diaz-Bérrio

»» Selected photo for " FC GALLERY ", August, 7th, 2004
Thanks to Christian Klose (Göcklingen)
169 pro + 80 contra
The way...
The way...
Octávio Diaz-Bérrio


Kommentare 88

  • Batya4charity 9. Februar 2019, 15:33

    I'm Ananda Batya from Indonesia but live in the united kingdom.
    I have something
    important to discussed with you
    write me back at email we will talk better there ok.

    My Email:(ananda4charity@gmail.com)
  • Jacqueline Chay 15. Juli 2008, 12:24

    Hi Octavio - Thank you very much for your comment on my pic
    Regards from Australia
  • Wilhelm Harlander 2. Juli 2008, 16:20

    Servus Octávio ,

    .........viele Grüße aus München !

  • Octávio Diaz-Bérrio 1. Juli 2008, 17:54

    > Bally:
    Il vaut le travail!!
  • Flighty Furrow 1. Juli 2008, 17:09

    Obrigada, every comment is much appreciated if I find the time to re-work the picture I will do so.
  • Danny W. Wilson 4. September 2006, 17:36

    Thank you for your kind comments concerning my work.
    Crystal 5
    Crystal 5
    Danny W. Wilson

  • Franco Ergoi 22. Juni 2006, 20:57

    Du hast eine tolle Sicht der Dinge und es hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht in deinem Archiv und deinem Profil zu stöbern. Ich spreche auch kein Wort italienisch obwohl mein Vater Italiener ist. Das Leben geht halt seltsame Wege und man trauert mancher verpaßten Gelegenheit nach. Nicht gelernte Sprachen sind eine davon
    sG aus Ungarn
  • Daniels_Fotowelt 5. Mai 2006, 13:36

    Ola listen my Pictures My friend "if i can say this" Big greatings from good old germany to Portugal. Enjoy my Pics. Daniel
  • 1 Marc 25. August 2005, 3:35

    olá Octávio,
    congratulate to your photographs, I likes your photo style very well.
    Nice regards
    the night is near
    the night is near
    1 Marc
  • Oliver Barnola 17. Mai 2005, 22:19

    Olá Octávio!
    Muito obrigado pelo teu comentário, fiquei muito contente de tê-lo recebido.
    "Emergency Exit"
    "Emergency Exit"
    Oliver Barnola

    Um abraço
  • KIM KAMINSKI ArtworX 20. März 2005, 18:00

    Hi Octavio,
    thanks for your comment about ..

    best regards Kim
  • Maria João Arcanjo 4. März 2005, 14:57

    Octávio thanks for your note on my poor little picture!.
    I am surprized that a a great pro took time to make the comment.
  • Daniel Wermke 27. Dezember 2004, 2:52

    Hey Octavio,

    Thanx for your nice note
    for one of my Gera at night pics. :)

    greetz, Danny
  • Erik Schwarz 24. Dezember 2004, 22:22

    LG Erik
  • Snjezana Josipovic 14. Dezember 2004, 20:48

    thank you :))
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