Über mich
hi ,
first I would like to say : welcome !!
My name is Vicky Iliaens , I am a model living in Belgium ,
unfortunately I don't speak German , so I give it a try in English , which is also not fluently but I hope it is just good enough too communicate :-)
I did a lot of photosessions , but I haven't really worked the way it should be , I was more playing with the camera and now I want too proove that I can do much better than that .
Hopefully we once meet and do a very great photoshoot !
LG ,
first I would like to say : welcome !!
My name is Vicky Iliaens , I am a model living in Belgium ,
unfortunately I don't speak German , so I give it a try in English , which is also not fluently but I hope it is just good enough too communicate :-)
I did a lot of photosessions , but I haven't really worked the way it should be , I was more playing with the camera and now I want too proove that I can do much better than that .
Hopefully we once meet and do a very great photoshoot !
LG ,
model vicky 29. Juli 2012, 1:55
I have been offline for a long time because of some problems , I also stopped doing photoshoots , but I am back this time :-)ullifotografie 1. Dezember 2008, 14:42
Hi!Your Gallery is worth being visited and I enjoyed it very much.
A lot of greetings from Franconia
STEFAN - ERIK IBOUNIG Photographie 11. Mai 2008, 17:20
Hello Vicky,i had my comments in german wrote,
hope you can understand me a little bit.
You have a lot of perfect pics!!
Best regards
blackwhite 16. November 2007, 9:10
damn u looking good. :)regards from nueremberg. have a nice day.
vG Volker
Ci-eL 13. November 2007, 20:07
Thanks Vicky,for Your nice comment to my " Pferdchen Buidl" ;-)
Good luck for the "commercial and/or the big Magazine".
Your eyes (and the rest of You ;-) are worth it!
artusch 12. November 2007, 20:49
Vick'now it's time to say that you are unbeatable.
you have the gift of the photo model,
it is well, that you let us participate in it.
hopefully you show us more of you.
I am curious.
Stephen Hoffmann 19. August 2007, 1:05
Hi Vicky,I wish you a lot of fun here. I like your pics, so I hope to see more in future of you.
take care
koerperdeko 10. August 2007, 16:13
Thank you for your comment under my picture "Shout it out loud!" It´s fine that you like it!Best regards! Nina
Lorne S 16. Juli 2007, 12:42
Hey Vicky,I love to wake up in the morninig next to you
Pascal-Pollack.de 16. Juli 2007, 2:08
muahahah vicky? also wenn ich mich ned irre kennen wir uns ;o) du warst mal vor 2 !/2 jahren bei ilove und hast da grad angefangen zu modeln.... kann das? irgendwas mit checky;o)wenn du es ned bist...tolle bilder und sehr schönes face!
Tiber Häbe 15. Juli 2007, 22:08
Hy Vicky,erst mal Willkommen in der fc. Ich wünsch dir viel Spaß und Erfüllung.
Dein erstes Bild ist ja vom Fototechnischen wie auch vom Model her ein Hingucker.
Bin auf deine weiteren Bilder gespannt und auch auf deinen Profiltext (und -bild).