Über mich
Love hurts
love scares
love wounds and mares any heart
Not tough nor strong enough to take a lot of pain
Take a lot of pain
love is like a cloud
holds a lot of rain.
Love hurts
love hurts
I'm young I know but even so
I know a thing or two I've learned from you
I've really learned a lot
really learned a lot.
Love is like a stove
burns you when it's hot.
Love hurts
love hurts
some fools rave of happiness
some fools fool themselves
I guess
But they're not fooling me I know it isn't true
it isn't ture. Love is just a lie made to make you blue.
Love hurts
love hurts.
love scares
love wounds and mares any heart
Not tough nor strong enough to take a lot of pain
Take a lot of pain
love is like a cloud
holds a lot of rain.
Love hurts
love hurts
I'm young I know but even so
I know a thing or two I've learned from you
I've really learned a lot
really learned a lot.
Love is like a stove
burns you when it's hot.
Love hurts
love hurts
some fools rave of happiness
some fools fool themselves
I guess
But they're not fooling me I know it isn't true
it isn't ture. Love is just a lie made to make you blue.
Love hurts
love hurts.
Kurt Salzmann 22. März 2005, 14:54
Herzlich willkommen in der Fotocommunity. Ich wünsche dir viel Spass beim Mitmachen.Hier habe ich eine Liste mit FC-Usern aus der Schweiz, dem grenznahen Süddeutschland und Vorarlberg zusammengestellt:
Viele Grüsse, Kurt
ISteph I 16. Dezember 2004, 14:53
Schleimer! *g*Echt lieb von dir!!! :)
Aber du könntest uns doch bitte noch mit ein paar mehr Bildern beglücken!
Oder hast du sie alle wieder rausgenommen?
hmm... my favorite:
oriental fishing - reload
Benny BlancoLG Steph
PENTACONSIXROOKIE 21. August 2004, 15:22
hey buddywo bleiben deine ungarn fotos...??
lg stee
Benny Blanco 11. Juni 2004, 15:50
tja steevie...mut zur lücke!PENTACONSIXROOKIE 11. Juni 2004, 15:27
hey thömsich mag Deine schwarzen Bilder ganz toll!
wiiiter so!
cheers stee