Über mich

After Art School, where one of the sections was photography, I worked 35 years as an Art Director in advertising.
Now, I make experimental -surrealistic compositions , combining photos and illustrations(airbrush) and send them to International photo-contests, with success.
All images are taken with a Nikon D70 and Nikon D300, manipulated with Photoshop CS4 on an iMac 27"

I have difficulties to write in German language, but I understand it very well. Your comments are welcome in German,

Kommentare 291

  • Feli Grosshans 5. Oktober 2023, 18:02

    after all the years, I still love every single picture of yours, Ben!
  • Robert Scheel 21. Februar 2023, 17:07

    Fine surrealism, beautiful to look at and all creative. I love your surrealism.
    Kind regards, Robert
  • Ben Goossens 3. August 2022, 9:16

    Thanks H. Jûrgen :-)
  • H.-Jürgen Kühne 2. August 2022, 23:02

    hi ben, glad to do find your site and will be following your work.
    BR Jürgen
  • Janne Jahny 20. August 2021, 19:32

    Hi Ben, wo bist du? Du fehlst hier und deine Bilder/Werke auch
  • Ben Goossens 1. April 2020, 13:23

    Thanks Leeokarro and artcornelus:-)
  • Leeokarro 10. Oktober 2019, 17:09

    tolle Arbeiten im Stil von Rene Magritte.....super ......VG
  • artcornelius 16. September 2019, 19:32

    I did find many phantastic Idee´s in your Portefolio and a nice sence of humor - it makes fun to walk through your landscapes full of surprising meetings !
    HG Cornelius
  • † Anne Louise Schneider 2. März 2018, 9:32

    hallo Ben,
    bei deinen Favoriten zu landen
    ist mir eine ganz besondere Ehre! danke von Anne
    wo bist du mein Kind?
    wo bist du mein Kind?
    † Anne Louise Schneider
  • Ben Goossens 9. Januar 2018, 14:59

    Thanks a lot ibiArt:-)
  • ibiART 9. Januar 2018, 14:18

    Hand in hand with Dalí. What you do is great ART, I am glad that I came to your side!
    I would like to follow your Art!
    Best regards, Ibi.
  • mi.luc 14. Juli 2017, 16:53

    Ich habe mir mit Vergnügen und Begeisterung diese surrealen Welten angeschaut!
  • Ben Goossens 30. September 2016, 9:37

    With pleasure Jürgen
    LG, Ben
  • Jürgen Holzwarth 29. September 2016, 22:13

    Vielen Dank für deine Kommentare, Ben. Das freut mich sehr.
    LG Jürgen
  • Ben Goossens 15. August 2016, 22:50

    Thans Maria;-)
    LG, Ben
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