Bravo, edna zasluszena zwezda! Iznenadan sym ot twoia stremitelen wyzhod! Werno, che te tyrsih samo w "de", "com" mi e chuszd, no snimkite sa glawnoto...
LG Stefan
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william p stock 27. Oktober 2007, 3:33
wow, great stuff. Colors are the true pleasure for me.
apaydin 4. Oktober 2007, 19:22
wow beautifulWilhelm H. 3. Oktober 2007, 22:17
Ich verneige mich vor dieser AnmutGruß Wilhelm
Dhanni Daelami 27. August 2007, 18:48
nice composition and lighting.. i love it..~ Dae
Antonio Amen 27. August 2007, 17:42
This flower photo is really beautifully.Greetings from
Paulina Schneider 9. Juli 2007, 23:24
Mnogo nejna snimka !mariam 24. Juni 2007, 13:51
omg !! amazing..i'm did u do that !!Swenja Böttcher 5. Juni 2007, 12:28
Beautiful! Specially the colours.Wonderful work.
Tommy Ferrante 21. Mai 2007, 23:02
The light and the colours are fantastic!Compliments.
Hinni 22. April 2007, 20:21
Really pictures mad colors, farther so, mfg HinniStefan Iwantschew - stiwef1 15. April 2007, 16:15
Bravo, edna zasluszena zwezda! Iznenadan sym ot twoia stremitelen wyzhod! Werno, che te tyrsih samo w "de", "com" mi e chuszd, no snimkite sa glawnoto...LG Stefan
Robert L. Roux 10. April 2007, 8:51
stars are magic things -a biggest smile from your friend a little
to the north ;-)))
Marc Thys 8. April 2007, 8:50
One word "SUPER"Regards,Marc.
Dennis Maloney 31. März 2007, 16:55
Sorry I missed the voting on this one...great work in deserves a star...regards, denJacqueline Chay 31. März 2007, 16:04
Congratulations VesWe cant make all the voting, i was on hols for this one.
and thanks for your comment on mine