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Lilac ship with Palms - East London and the whole world is Barking... woof

Lilac ship with Palms - East London and the whole world is Barking... woof

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Lilac ship with Palms - East London and the whole world is Barking... woof

Uferansichten an der Themse, West Banks, Ost-London nahe des Abbeys mit schönem lila Schiff und Palmen.

Für den, der Schiffe mag/ For those who like ships:

Windmühle mit Raddampfer in Damme, Belgien - Eulenspiegelort
Windmühle mit Raddampfer in Damme, Belgien - Eulenspiegelort
Weitere Impressionen aus London/ Further London impressions:
THANK YOU for your kind comment
THANK YOU for your kind comment
London Eye - light impressions
London Eye - light impressions
"Leuchtturm" - Leuchtende Säule/ rainbow night - light house in London
"Leuchtturm" - Leuchtende Säule/ rainbow night - light house in London
Saint James Park/ St. Jame's Park, London mit London Eye
Saint James Park/ St. Jame's Park, London mit London Eye

Further waterside impression/ Küste in Blakeney, Norfolk
Norfolk coast impressions "Early Autumn at Blakeney"  by David Atkins - Marshland
Norfolk coast impressions "Early Autumn at Blakeney" by David Atkins - Marshland

Lilac ship on the west bank of the river Thames in London.
Buque/ barco en la orilla oeste del Támesis en Londres.
A la riba del Tàmesi a Londres.
Nave sulla riva del Tamigi a Londra
Bateau sur la rive ouest de la Tamise à Londres

Thames banks/ Westbanks, East London, London Barking - woof
Londre, Londres, Londra, Londen

nave, ship, schif, buque, navis, Schiff

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