Winfried Wobbe

Premium (Basic), Montgomery, TX

Über mich

Aviation lends itself to reach for higher plains, harmony and beauty. At age 16 I was given a little box camera. As a fighter pilot I learned to broaden my field of view and attention to detail. As a corporate pilot I was afforded travels to many lands and continents. It was natural to pack my camera gear and look for the perfect “shot”, be it looking for the ideal waterfall, the most vivid sunsets, or the abstract way of looking at the Eiffel tower. Sceneries are my first love, yet, people too, tell a big story in just a fraction of a second.
For years I have favored the Canon SLR as my first weapon of choice. It is natural for me to want to be at the forefront of technology. Thus going into digital work was easy and welcomed.
My hobby is now graduating into a full time profession, I now have ventured into commercial photography. “Wandering Win” a photographer friend of mine has called me. So you’ll see me on top of mountains, below cascading waterfalls, on the sea or where ever I find the need to preserve the beauty of a fleeting moment so others can enjoy what I had the luxury to observe. (EOS 10S, EOS A2E, EOS 3,) EOS 10D, EOS 1D MARK II, EOS 5D Mk IV,
EF 16-35 2.8,

Kommentare 46

  • Heikem43 24. September 2024, 21:11

    Vielen Dank 
    Für dein Lob und den Fav
  • Heikem43 17. Februar 2022, 21:42

    Vielen Dank für dein Lob und die Favorisierung 
    Zu meinem...
    Komm schon 
  • Dieter Bender 17. Januar 2021, 18:24

    Hello Winfried, why Winfried a german name.
    I`m not sur should i write german or english. 

    Do your self a favor, your pictures are too small.
    All of your pic. are nice give them what they need.
    why not ?

    LG DB
  • Albert Rudolf 7. Dezember 2020, 16:37

    Hi Winfried,
    Thank you for your numerous likes!
    Cordially, Albert
  • Thomas. Kistler 26. Februar 2007, 13:02

    Hi Winfried,

    Opps, sorry, i guess t've mixed you up with somebody else. Anyway, your welcome for the comment. You've got beautiful pictures of this gorgeous place on the world(the United States of America) :-)

    Best regards!

  • Norma Buchanan 5. Juni 2006, 0:43

    no, winfried, did not climb that tower, it was hot and i was alone, travelling and in a hurry, lol
    but i always like geometric i stopped for a quickie. tztztz
    have a nice week,
  • Norma Buchanan 21. Mai 2006, 14:17

    glad you like my 'Peace'
    have a beautiful Sunday
  • Norma Buchanan 20. Mai 2006, 21:08

    Thank you, Winfried, you have been on my 'buddylist' for a while already,
    take care, summer finally has arrived, had to close up and turn on the AC.
    too bad
    see you around
  • Norma Buchanan 12. Mai 2006, 14:10

    It's a pleasure to have you among us. I stumbled unto you when admiring your Hummingbirds. Super shot.
    Each spring, I look forward to these little warriors to flutter about my feeders.
    greetings from sunny Georgia,
  • NICO FIERMONTE 1. Mai 2006, 12:16

    complimenti per i tuoi lavori
  • Andi K.... 23. Januar 2006, 10:41

    Hallo Winfried,
    viele Grüße von einem "Jungspund" der Sheppard AFB Klasse 89-05.
    Wenn ihr nie eine Kamera mitnehmen durftet, wie sind dann die Aufnahmen mit den T-38 entstanden *grins*? Das Mitführen einer Kamera war bei uns auch verboten...:-).
    Wie Du siehst, es hat sich nichts verändert.
    Weiterhin viel Spaß in der FC und man liest voneinander.

    Viele Grüße aus Bayern,
  • Tina J. 7. Dezember 2005, 19:15

    Hallo Win,
    vielenDank für Deine überaus schmeichelnde Anmerkung zu meinen Augen in Verbindung mit der Schneeschmelze...*lächel*

    Liebe Grüße
  • Natalie Loos 7. Dezember 2005, 7:27


    nice Foto of St. Michaels Mount. Been there in 2003.

  • Maren Arndt 9. November 2005, 15:14

    *lach* Hallo Winfried, nun sag nicht, Du kennst die Wüstchenbude ;-)

    Die haben ganz schön um Kunden zu werben heutzutage bei all den Dönerbuden hier.
    Herzliche Grüße aus Bremen

  • Ju25 17. Juli 2005, 15:04

    Hallihallo.. sind wir verwandt? ;-)
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