Über mich

.. interested in nature, labour and architecture ..
i used to start b/w photography and color negative, all processing myself autodidactically, quite some time ago. fascinated by the almost endless options using the digital cameras and the computer processing nowadays. trying to use it as little as possible though..


Kommentare 54

  • Heiko Petersen 13. Mai 2022, 21:22

    Ich finde Deine Aufnahmeen von "Regenrohren" einfach großartig! Weiß garnicht wo ich anfangen soll.
    Schönes Wochenende, Heiko
  • Analogdigital 30. November 2021, 17:28

    Fantastisch die Art der Fotos..
  • Sven Stamm 15. Oktober 2017, 17:11

    Hi Uwe,
    Sorry for my late answer, but meanwhile I've been in Scotland.
    Anyway, thanks a lot for your comment relating to my picture "lost colours"
    Lost Colours
    Lost Colours
    Sven Stamm

    It was much appreciated!
    BR Sven
  • bijane 27. März 2017, 23:10

    oh, thank you very much uwe for your comentar for my foto kürbis. lg bijane
  • mARTina B. 25. März 2017, 21:45

    Thank You Uwe!!!
  • Visiones de Vida 10. September 2016, 2:34

    When I use the word "impressive",...I use it because of limitations to how much I'm fascinated and truly moved by your collection of amazing work,... To find beauty in objects that common society would take for granted is a gift. You my friend, have an amazing gift!... I'm humbled that you took the time to comment on my work, when you have such AMAZING work and a gift to reveal beauty in our world that is hidden from the common eye,
    .... Thank you kindly for visiting my page or else I would have maybe missed your work...

    I mean this with a humble heart,..

    I'm looking forward to learning more about you and your work,

    Raúl Luis Jr.
  • Ayham Bash 2. April 2016, 20:31

    Thank you for your opinion in the Picture
    regards ...
    Ayham Bash
  • Milos Villaris 25. Februar 2016, 15:50

    Chlorophyllum rachodes
    Chlorophyllum rachodes
    Milos Villaris
    Thank you for comment. Before watching your gallery, I have never supposed, that taking picture of the roof water gutter can be so nice and interesting. :-)

    BR Milos.
  • Raphaël P 3. Januar 2016, 10:37

    Many thanks for your visit and your professionnal's eye !
    Your galery is fantastic with great séries, i love it
    On the road again
    On the road again
    Raphaël P
  • Carlos 1 29. Dezember 2015, 23:39

    Danke Uwe, Gut Licht für 2016.
  • Adele D. Oliver 24. Dezember 2015, 8:52

    danke fuer Deine netten Weihnachtswuensche, Uwe .... und das Gedicht kenne ich, da wir es auch in Kanada haben !!!
    Frohe Weihnachten !!!
  • Adele D. Oliver 23. Dezember 2015, 2:22

    all my sincere wishes for a peaceful and joyous festive season !!!
    Season's Greetings To All
    Season's Greetings To All
    Adele D. Oliver

    Season's Greetings,
  • Mustafa Cem Çubuk 20. Dezember 2015, 17:41

    Uwe happy you liked it. Thanks for your visit.
  • Adele D. Oliver 27. November 2015, 21:15

    greetings Uwe, and thank you very much for your kind comment .... no pictures from you for a long time !!!!
    best wishes,
  • alexander stefanatos 15. September 2015, 20:10

    Dear Uwe, you have visited the Meteora place almost thirty years ago when definitely was less "commercialized",probably not so widely surrendered to to packtour turism and thus much more peaceful and genial.I'm sure that your impression must have been more overwelming than any present one...
    friendly regards
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canon eos series ( digital )
leica r series ( analogue )
kowa super six series ( analogue )