Hello to you my friend, my name is Alexander.
James Dean is a picture I made on commission from a photograph.
In fact I photograph my work done freehand with pencil.
When you have a moment visit my profile or http://sites.google.com/site/ritrattiinbiancoenero/
You soon
Kaith Kakavouli 19. Dezember 2010, 7:02
elkin marulanda arango 10. Mai 2010, 18:35
gracias por tus comentarios,,,que buenas fotos tuyas por cierto saludos.Jan Pastoo 6. Mai 2010, 19:13
vielen dank =)Kaith Kakavouli 27. Dezember 2009, 18:48
wishing the best for 2010 !!!!Kaith Kakavouli 17. Dezember 2009, 14:59
Alessandro Deidda 12. Dezember 2009, 23:47
Hello to you my friend, my name is Alexander.James Dean is a picture I made on commission from a photograph.
In fact I photograph my work done freehand with pencil.
When you have a moment visit my profile or http://sites.google.com/site/ritrattiinbiancoenero/
You soon
Béla Biank 2. Dezember 2009, 22:00
thank you very much! you would help me greatly by giving your reasons why you think it is nice.best regards, béla
Richard Faenza 2. Dezember 2009, 20:02
Hi Oleg.Thanks for your comments on my work.
Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 2. Dezember 2009, 18:22
Ciao Oleg, tante grazie di cuore per i tuoi graditi e carissimi commenti. Ti auguro tantissimo e un saluto affettuoso...EmirOwen McLeod 2. Dezember 2009, 15:18
Thanks you for your feedback.
Greetings from Canada,
Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 2. Dezember 2009, 13:10
Hello Oleg, thank you very much for comment, best regards...EmirSophiaK 28. November 2009, 13:52
Thank you Manuel for all your nice comment!Regards, Sophia!
KEBIN 20. November 2009, 4:37
Thanks again.We're a favorite picture, too.
Kebin & Hiroko
KEBIN 19. November 2009, 12:47
Nice to meet you.Thank you for our gallery visit and comments.
Best regard
Kebin & Hiroko
Jörg Kallweit 16. November 2009, 20:49
Welcome to the positively crazy in the k and a lot of fun here!