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Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 17

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 17

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Premium (Complete), Bardowick

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 17

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 17

In this lesson: "NAME IT". Means in this case: "Benenne es".

This sign reminds you to give your children names in time. When they come to school, it's too late. No teacher probably would say: „Nameless, would you solve the problem on the blackboard (1) please?” or “Anonymous, have you done your homework (2)?”

In this context:
See also the German proverb (3): “Das Kind beim Namen nennen” that means to speak directly about a topic and tell the truth. Slang version: „Butter bei die Fische bringen“. The English proverb is „to call a spade (4) a spade“.

The correct translation of the term "you name it" is "was auch immer" or "überhaupt alles".

(1) Schultafel
(2) Hausaufgaben
(3) Sprichwort
(4) Spaten, Schaufel
to name somebody = jemandem einen Namen geben

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